Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let there be Sims!

Sometimes things just go full circle.  So the guild downed Cho'gall, we're all twiddling our thumbs until Firelands is released and I find that I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands because no one requires my "mad drood healz".  Sims 3: Generations had been sitting on my desk for the last 2 weeks and I never bothered to install it.  It seemed like the ideal time to give the Sims 3, the ol' revisit.

I thought I had retired from "creating" when I released the last two patterns I cared to make, which can be found here:

A lack of creativity and a very busy raid schedule put a complete stop to my creativity and eventually new games got released and Sims 3 was uninstalled to make way for stuff like Fallout: New Vegas and Shogun 2.  But since I've had my fill of both aforementioned games and the WoW Guild isn't doing anything special, the Sims 3 seized its chance to crawl its way back onto my PC.

Honestly, Generations is... it's alright.  I'm more excited about the upcoming Sims 3: Pets, and being able to give my kitten his very own Sims 3 alter ego.  Since the gameplay of Generations itself was so unappealing to me, I found myself diving right back into the element of the Sims 3 that had me addicted since day 1 - building shit.

Well then, Sims 3 reinstalled and I'm creating again.  I honestly didn't think I'd be back here, because I didn't think the game had enough potential to keep me occupied.  I'm an elitist gamer - it takes a lot to keep me interested, but there's just something about the Sims 3... something about being able to torture, poke and prod virtual little people in a world of my creation that completely appeals to me.

There you have it.  As for the name... Eclecticism or Eclectic, describing the usage of various elements around oneself drawn from many sources, or the derivation of ideas; an eclectic collection of conception and perception.  In other words, EclecticiSIM is a play on the word eclecticism, which basically describes the fucked up shit that comes out of my head.

Enjoy :)

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